
This project was a collaboration to explore clients' experiences of the field of ecotherapy.

Current status

  • Collaborating with colleagues from the Czech Republic regarding an internal survey of clients’ experiences of ecotherapy.


Research outputs

  • Neville, B., & Tudor, K. (2024). Eco-Centred Therapy: Revisioning Person-Centred Psychology for a Living World. (First edition.). Routledge.
  • Clare, S., & Tudor, K. (2023). Ecotherapy practice: Perceived obstacles and solutions. Transactional Analysis Journal, 53(1), 21-37.
  • Key, D., & Key, D. (2023). Ecotherapy: A Field Guide. Karnac.
  • Tudor, K. (2023). Global ecology and empathy: Grow, repair, rebuild – A sustainable transactional analysis [L’ecologia e l’empatia globali: Crescere, riparare, ricostruire – Un’analisi transazionale sostenibile]. Keynote speech given at the XII Convegno Nazionale di Neuroscienze, Neuropsicologia e Psicoterapia “Per un’ecologia e un’empatia globali: Crescere, riparare, ricostruire”, Pisa, 11th March 2023


  • David Key (co-lead)
  • Professor Keith Tudor (co-lead)
  • Ben Classen (Student, Victoria University, Wellington)
  • Dr Elizabeth Day
  • Dr Emma Green
  • Dr Alison Strasser (Centre for Existential Practice, Sydney)
  • Dr Kerry Thomas-Anttila

He Ara Tika framework assessment


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